Rigging and animation


Where everything comes to life through movement !
After deciding and preparing everything, it was time for Loup and Fernand
to come alive through movement !
The first step to this was to build his skeleton through the rigging process. The main challenge was to make sure that Loup’s puppet would be able to do everything that we needed him to do.
Florian was in charge of that part and did an amazing job with the characters and props !

Now that we know our characters and have the puppet ready, we had to put into practice everything we worked on for the first step of animation: the acting.
Filming references was a very unique experience for us as we had the wonderful chance to work with two actors for Loup and Fernand : Baptiste and Daniel ! It was very challenging as we rarely directed actors before. We had a really tight schedule to film them so we made sure to be as well prepared as we could so our actors could be as
comfortable as possible.

It was also a real challenge to work with a child, how to explain sensitive subject to him, like the loss of a loved relative. We are really greatful to Baptiste who was really mature and did an amazing job !

It was amazing to see how much depth they added to the characters by little details and gestures and it inspired us
a lot during the animation !
The Previs step :
For the animation itself we began really early to do some test on free rigs that we customed, to see exactly how we wanted our characters to move.

But nothing feels as much them as their real puppet !
Animating Fernand and Loup (for real) :
We had a lot of pretty challenging acting scenes and we really wanted to be able to bring all those emotions with subtlety and sincerity.
